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Kieran Hanrahan: Tommy Cowen's




This is a technical variation and requires some patient practice.
It occurs in bars 11 and 12. It's like a crossover between the two bars.
The notation reads A A A B D' D' D' F'*E' D' E' F'* D' D' B A
The variation is ……A A A B D' D' (F'*E'D')(F'*E'D') E' F'* D'D'B A
This (F'*E'D)(F'*E'D') is achieved by playing ther F(sharp) normally on a downstroke and plucking the E' with the index finger on the left hand.
In other words, after playing the F*, pluck the string with the same finger.This gives you the following E'.
As I said patient practice is needed for this variation.


Variation 1
Variation 2
This is just a simple changing of notes in Bar 14 and emphasising the high G.This has the effect of giving the end of the tune a final lift and almost sounds the end of the tune.
The notation is……E' G' F'* E' D' B A F*
This changes to… G' F'* E' C* D' B A F*