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Aidan Coffey : John Mahoney’s Jig




Use this audio track to learn the basic melody of part A. Omit the ornamentation at first until you have the tune in your head. For the basses, assuming you're playing a conventional C#/D box, the chords D, A and G will suffice. It's worthy of note that many C#/D players recommend confining yourself as much as possible to the inside row even though there are opportunities in the tune where crossing out to the outside row helps to avoid a change in bellows direction. An example is BC#DEF#G (bar **). The F# is also available on the draw on the outside row meaning that you could play the last three notes EF#G without changing bellows direction. I suggest using the F# of the inside row, playing the three notes as draw-press-draw. This approach allows the bellows to have more influence on the rhythm, which in the long term, is good in my opinion.
Part B @ 50% pace
Use this audio track to learn the basic melody of part B. Omit the ornamentation at first until you have the tune in your head. Add them once you know the tune, making sure that you have the right fingers available to play them. There ’s an F# roll in this part. See the section on ornamentation for an explanation on how to execute it. Try to get it right before proceeding.
Part A @ 50% pace