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Aidan Coffey :John Mahoney's Jig




Octave (Part b, bar 1 or 5)
This simple variation just involves using an F# octave (high F# - low F# - high F#) followed by an E octave (high E - low E – high E) at the opening bar of part B. Octaves are effective in giving more emphasis to important notes. While we're on the subject of variations, there are three ways of playing this opening bar of part B: (1) rolling the F (F#AF#FF#) and rolling the E (EGED#E), each roll having the value of three quavers; (2) playing it normal as in F#AF#EF#E – six quavers; (3) the variation demonstrated (F#F#F# EEE).


Variation 1
Variation 2
Chord (Part A bars 2-3)
This is simply a G-chord, involving G and B followed by a D-chord involving A and F#, followed again by the G-B and then the A-F#. Each chord has the value of three quavers. The chords put more emphasis on the notes. It works well if you're playing with another instrument like a fiddle.